
Harmony of the spheres

To look at Luís Soares' painting is to embark on a voyage whose only apparently labyrinthine course the painter previously traces with firmness on the soft surface of the paper or of the canvas which becomes like a portolano for an ancient sailor.

And one advances through mysterious landscapes where reality is sensed beyond the mask, where the happening unfolds in gestures captured from lost rites, the resulting web is life, the amazed eyes of the timeless characters are still ours.

The before and the after are enclosed in this precarious horizon made of furrows and colours that reassure us, however, the whole has the reading of a Harmony of the Spheres, it is music, it is the dream, or only the enchantment of looking over the white wall at Luís Soares' painting.

Dr Alberto Correia

Historian, Anthropologist and Ex. Director of the Grão Vasco Museum

Dr. Alberto Correia - Historiador